- It is nothing like the 20th century.
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To take this further, on the highways there is no cooperation or courtesy, just individualism leading to angst and hostilities on the road. Instead of paying attention to the road, people are more concerned with texting and talking on their smart phones. Consequently, people clog the express lane (the left lane) and weave in and out of traffic or ride the bumper of the car in front of them; anything to get ahead, not wait your turn. This is the "new normal" on our roadways.
Customer Service is a fallacious concept. There is no longer any sense of keeping the customer happy in order to retain the customer's business which may lead to additional sales. Nobody cares. It is now a matter of processing the sale as fast as possible and let the customer fight afterwards with "voice mail jail" and the Internet. In stores, we now look like hooded thugs; no smiles, no pleasantries, no nothing. The "new normal" for customer service is "Look out for number 1" (the company), leaving the customer to avoid stepping in number 2.
News is depressing. Many have stopped watching it on television or reading it through official news sources. Not only is a lot of it repetitive, it is predictable as to how it will be interpreted (spun). Consequently, it has lost its integrity and legitimacy. The fact we no longer trust the news is another "new normal" by which we live by.
In our urban areas, gun violence is on the rise as is thuggish behavior, arson and looting. In the nation's capitol, the rhetoric in Congress is much more visceral and gridlock is commonplace. This too is the "new normal."
Basic courtesy is from a bygone era, such as holding a door open for someone, saying please and thank you, extending a helping hand and basic charity; all are rapidly fading into the past as evidenced by a dwindling number of places of worship and nonprofit charities. This will only grow worse as schools are closing in observance of CORONA-19 and the politics of teachers unions. Without schools, children will grow more dependent on technology and their socialization skills will further deteriorate. This too is part of the "new normal."
The CORONA-19 virus is causing people to become somewhat introverted. They hide in houses and avoid human contact of any kind. In addition, companies are no longer allowed to conduct business as usual. Not only does this hurt sales but it also hinders teamwork as people are now asked to work from home. All of this, of course, affects our socialization skills.
In addition to CORONA-19, the cause of the "new normal" is actually based on a combination of several things, such as declining moral values, an irresponsible media, politics (e.g., "The Summer of Hate"), and a reliance on technology to do the thinking for us. Unfortunately, it showcases the negative side of the human spirit, such as hate, jealousy, spite, greed, and a disregard for cooperation, courtesy and respect.
The "new normal" is "abnormal" to those of us who remember the go-go years of the 20th century. In fact, it is rather depressing. Interestingly, cases of anxiety and depression have been steadily increasing prior to 2020, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it spike in this election year.
The "new normal" is not about something as banal as tattoos, body piercings, orange hair, or vernacular. It is about our ability to socialize effectively, something that is radically declining as we are asked to choose sides in political ideology. It is a callous attitude regarding our fellow human-beings, and an egocentric view of our perceived individual importance. No, the "new normal" does not include cooperation, sacrifice, teamwork, or friendliness, but rather it involves confrontation, combativeness, ridicule, selfishness, and a sense of entitlement.
So, where did this come from? Look no further than the Baby Boomers who failed at raising their children responsibly, along with the media and far-Left who have been trying to change our moral values for years.
I would like to believe our attitudes will change following the November 3rd election, that we will somehow snap out of it, but I know this simply will not happen. Everything is drifting on the wind. Our choice is rather simple; we either accept the "new normal" and allow the country to chart a new course or reject it by saying, "Enough is enough!," and take on the task of correcting it. Understand this, it is not so much what the older generation wants to do, it is ultimately up to the younger generation. All the elders can do is offer advice (and vote).
Keep the Faith!
P.S. - Also, I have a NEW book, "Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works", What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. This is the perfect gift for youth!
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For Tim's columns, see: timbryce.com
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Copyright © 2020 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.
Listen to Tim on WZIG-FM (104.1) in Palm Harbor,FL; Or tune-in to Tim's channel on YouTube. Click for TIM'S LIBRARY OF AUDIO CLIPS.
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