- Conditioned responses by the Democrats are intensifying.
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Her response seemed almost robotic. I found her use of words like "dog whistles," "white supremacy" and "manufactures crisis" illuminating as if she had been programmed to use such expressions on command, kind of like Pavlov's dog. Say a certain word or ask a question, and the person begins to salivate automatically. Frankly, it's kind of scary.
The expression "dog whistles" is particularly interesting as it is now commonly used by the Left to denote how they believe conservatives respond. Now I will admit I have seen Republicans use catch phrases, such as "Lock her up" and "CNN sucks," but I have found conservatives more inclined to engage in honest debate as opposed to Democrats trained in Pavlovian responses.
Do you want to stop a left-wing Democrat in his/her tracks? Just tell them you have voted for a Democrat in the past, as you thought the person was the right candidate for the job, and then ask if they ever voted for a Republican. A wild-eyed expression comes over their face and they are at a loss for words.
I had a Democrat friend who recently told me point blank, "I will never go to any meeting where a Republican is speaking." So much for open-mindedness. I also guess I will not see him in any of my audiences any time soon.
What I am finding with Democrats is there is less courteous debate and more conditioning in terms of talking points. Whenever I get in an argument with them, I feel I am dealing directly with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow or CNN's Don Lemon, et al. Interestingly, if you ask them to explain their rehearsed talking points, they are at a loss. This speaks volumes about the power of the main stream media. Further, they tend to turn up the volume as if you cannot hear them. I have found both young and older Democrats becoming excessively passionate and less inclined to hear opposing views, thereby emboldening them to attack their opponents.
Now there is a movement in the media to label Republicans as racist, hate-filled liars. This is all being done as a prelude to the 2020 elections to condition their constituents to believe Republicans are evil and must be eliminated. Through the use of identity politics, the media is creating stereotypes intended for character assassination. I don't think Hitler could have done it any better.
As to racism, let us never forget not one Republican ever owned a slave. In fact, the Republican Party was created to abolish slavery (anyone remember a guy named Lincoln?). The Left conveniently overlooks the fact that the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow laws were all Democrat inventions, and somehow try to blame the Republicans for their creation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nonetheless, by training people to repetitively chant "Racist, Racist, Racist," they are hoping people will develop a reflexive action against the Republicans.
By religiously parroting the talking points of the Left, the Democrats have become a party of lemmings controlled by the news media who has plotted them on a course to tear their opponents apart. More likely though, they will end up in the abyss.
Keep the Faith!
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