- My most popular columns and audio segments this year.
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As you know, I write on a variety of subjects, such as management, systems, technology, social issues, politics, and observations of our changing world. Sometimes my work is instructional and informative, other times it is controversial or humorous. I certainly hope it isn't boring. By the number of subscribers I have, their comments, and the hits I have on my web site alone, I do not believe this is the case.
Since this was an election year, most of my top articles were political in nature. What follows is based on my "hits" by my readers.
My top columns for the year were:
1. THE ELEMENTS OF SOCIALIZATION (May 3) - This was far and away my most popular column, not just in America but overseas as well, particularly in India and, No, it wasn't political in nature.
2. 2018: AS FLORIDA GOES, SO GOES THE COUNTRY (Nov 5) - This was published the day before the midterm elections, which perhaps explains its popularity.
3. 2018 AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA CONSTITUTION (Sep 13) - This was one of the few articles available which attempted to clearly explain the Florida legislation. It was heavily referenced during election time.
4. CHINKS APPEAR IN THE DEMOCRATS’ ARMOR (Sep 26) - Unlike the main stream media, this column was one of the few to note the weaknesses in the Democrats prior to the election.
5. FAREWELL TAMPA BAY TIMES (Apr 10) - This explained my rationale for cancelling my subscription to "Florida's Best Newspaper."
6. WHY ARE THE DEMOCRATS TURNING TO SOCIALISM? (Jul 10) - Discussed how the party had turned even further left than before, going well beyond "Progressives."
7. THE POLITICAL EPIPHANY OF #WalkAway (Jul 19) - Described a new movement of people turning away from the Democrats as it is believed the party betrayed their trust.
8. THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LOSERS (Aug 21) - A sports piece describing problems with the NFL.
9. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS IN NOVEMBER? (Oct 4) - describes the dangers involved with voting for the Democrats.
10. A NEW DIGITAL DIVIDE (Aug 7) - Discusses the adverse effects of technology on reading and writing.
ARE DEMOCRATS EVIL? (Oct 10) - raises an area of concern by Democrats concerned with how they are depicted.
THE 2018 ELECTIONS ARE OVER, NOW WHAT? (Nov 8) - Some predictions following the 2018 midterms.
SAYONARA HUFFINGTON POST (Feb 5) - describes why I left the publication.
I provide an audio version of most of my columns for those people on the go, courtesy of YouTube. I would like to believe people listen to me at the gym or beach, but more realistically, people tend to tune in while they are traveling or at work. Interestingly, the popularity of my audio segments is not the same as my written columns.
1. THE POLITICAL EPIPHANY OF #WalkAway (Jul 19) - this was very popular among members of the movement, hence its high rating here.
2. PRIDE RENEWAL TOUR (Apr 25) - I was particularly glad to see this become popular as it was based on a seminar I gave regarding morality earlier this year. Highlights from the program are included.
3. IN PRAISE OF POLKA MUSIC (May 17) - I was pleased to see this off-beat column get recognition. It was just plain fun to do.
4. CHINKS APPEAR IN THE DEMOCRATS' ARMOR (Sep 26) - this segment, like the written version, did very well. Unlike the main stream media, this was one of the few to note the weaknesses in the Democrats prior to the election.
5. MAYHEM IN THE WHITE HOUSE? (Sep 12) - Provides an explanation of why the Democrats attack President Trump.
6. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS IN NOVEMBER? (Oct 4) - This did equally well as the written version. It describes the dangers involved with voting for the Democrats.
7. THE BOSTON GLOBE CALLS FOR WAR AGAINST TRUMP (Aug 15) - Describes the campaign created by the Boston Globe to have the main stream media attack President Trump.
8. WHAT OTHER FRATERNITIES CAN TEACH FREEMASONRY (Feb 9) - An unusual piece aimed at making suggestions for improving Freemasonry.
9. TIME TO END THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION (Dec 4) - A recent segment urging an end to this colossal waste of time.
10. WHY ARE THE DEMOCRATS TURNING TO SOCIALISM? (Jul 10) - Another segment which complemented the written version. It discusses how the party had turned even further left than before, going well beyond "Progressives."
CNN'S JIM ACOSTA BUTTS HEADS WITH THE PRESIDENT (Nov 9) - Discussed the incident which caused Acosta being banned from the White House.
I will be on sabbatical for awhile until I am ready to get back in the saddle.
Keep the Faith!
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For Tim's columns, see: timbryce.com
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Copyright © 2018 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.
Listen to Tim on WZIG-FM (104.1) in Palm Harbor,FL; Or tune-in to Tim's channel on YouTube. Click for TIM'S LIBRARY OF AUDIO CLIPS.
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