- Some tips for entering the work force.
Throughout our lives we are always seeking advice, be it from a parent, a mentor, a coach, a teacher, or whomever. The obvious is not always obvious and, as such, we find our way through life by the help and society of others. Although we may be seeking acceptance for our decisions, advice is primarily aimed at lighting the way to a destination we must travel alone. Consequently, the better the advice we obtain, the more confident we will be in our journey as it helps minimize the number of mistakes we may make.
If you are familiar with my work, you know several of my tutorials are aimed at offering advice to young people as they enter the work force, including my book, "Morphing into the Real World," which is a handbook on how to develop their personal and professional lives. Recently, I asked some confidants what three pieces of advice they would offer young people, and although there was some commonality in their answers, there were also differences:
The "Great One" of Sarasota is a management consultant who worked in a Fortune 500 company for several years and is intimate with both Information Technology and corporate politics. His advice:
1. Stay hands on, be a subject matter expert, stay on top of the skills required for your profession.
2. Develop solid communication skills, written and verbal and use them often.
3. Embrace positive workplace ethics and treat others as you would want them to treat you.
Another friend is a much traveled writer from Michigan who frequently pens political articles:
1. Forget the current fashion trends: hide any tattoos and lose all piercings that show. Dress for success.
2. Brush up on your writing skills. The shorthand you've learned from texting leads to some rather bad habits which can make you look bad.
3. Research the company you are applying to so you can ask intelligent questions and establish a better rapport with your interviewers.
A friend from Texas has experience in both the military as well as research and development in the corporate sector:
1. Do your research. Make your career in a viable industry you like. No one does well in a job they hate.
2. Be honest with yourself and evaluate what you are bringing to the job. Jobs exist because there is a business need. How do your skills answer that need?
3. If you are going to work for a company, then put yourself into it. Take ownership, be accountable, work as if the success of the company depends on your performance alone.
Another friend is a radio personality from New York with a broad and well rounded experience in the business world:
1. When you first walk through the door, find someone you respect that will mentor you.
2. Find out everything you can about the field you have just entered, e.g., history, statistics, market share, potential, and know your product.
3. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have and remember that FILO means "First In, Last Out"; people will notice.
As for me, I offer the following:
1. Pay attention; learn as much as you can.
2. Tell the truth; do not fabricate an excuse or answer.
3. Consider someone other than yourself; thereby promoting teamwork and the concept of sacrifice for the common good. In other words, try to get along with your fellow workers.
You'll notice, there is nothing magical or complicated in the advice given here, just some rather simple lessons which have proven beneficial over the years. Regardless of the advice given you, whether it is included herein or found elsewhere, you must always remember one important fact, it is only advice; nothing more, nothing less. Whether you believe the advice is valid or not, YOU are the person who must decide to make use of it, not your advisers. They are not the ones who will be held accountable for the ultimate decision, YOU are. As any attorney, accountant, or financial adviser worth his salt will tell you, they are paid to give you advice, but only YOU can make the decision. Let's just hope you are getting good advice. As for me, if someone like Johnny Bench says my catcher should wear a cup, by God my catcher is going to wear a cup.
Keep the Faith!
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LAST TIME: A NEW TWIST ON COMPANY VACATIONS - Are unlimited vacations practical?
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