- My most popular columns this year.
This is my last column for the year as I prepare to enjoy the holidays and rest up for 2017. As has become customary, I’m going to use this opportunity to review my top essays from the past year.
It was a busy year in 2016. In addition to my blog, I have been writing for News Talk Florida and the Huffington Post which is rather amazing when you consider the liberal slant of the Post.
As you know, I write on a variety of subjects, such as management, systems, technology, social issues, politics, and observations of our changing world. Sometimes my work is instructional and informative, other times it is controversial or humorous. I certainly hope it isn’t boring. By the number of subscribers I have, their comments, and the hits I have on my web site, I do not believe this is the case.
For my year-end column, I researched my statistics to see which were my most popular. As 2016 was a major election year, I have considerable political columns which did well, as you will see. Therefore, here are my "greatest hits" for 2016.
NOTE: You can find the audio versions for many of these columns on My Web Page.
"Florida Vote-by-Mail Request & Early Voting Statistics " - this was my #1 column of the year as I updated it on a daily basis for two weeks. Those concerned about the election outcome in Florida paid particular attention to this piece.
"Why The Electoral College Matters" - following the election, Democrats had a problem understanding the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college, hence I wrote this column which enjoyed wide circulation.
"Shocking the Press" (aka, "The Media Is Reeling From This Election Result")
"Election Post Mortem" - a good review following the election.
"The Attack of the Wusses" - another follow-up piece after the election.
"The Problems with Political Polling" - explaining the flaws in polling.
"Au Revoir Democratic Party" - written after Nancy Pelosi won again the House Minority leader.
"A Look Back at Hillary Clinton’s Record" - this column was heavily referenced prior to election day.
"Book Review: Crisis of Character" - also frequently referenced.
"Clinton still favored by Vegas and British bookmakers" (aka, "Odds Are Donald Trump Remains A Good Bet For President") - a fun piece on gambling and the election.
"What it means to vote for Hillary Clinton" (aka, "Hillary Clinton: Why You Shouldn’t Vote For Her")
"Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump" - my most frequently read article from my Trump series.
"What I learned attending a Trump Rally" - the lessons regarding the press was interesting.
"Understanding the Trump Personality" (aka, "Understanding the Type A Personality") - this is still a worthwhile read for anyone who wants to understand our President-Elect.
"Candidate Trump Visits Tampa Bay One Last Time" - over 20,000 people were there.
"What Do We Know about Mr. Trump?" - this column too was frequently referenced.
"The Democrats are Scared" - and they had good reason to be.
"Donald Trump’s Plan: Jump Start The Economy" - at the start of his Victory Tour.
"Leave it to the Cops" - very popular piece on the responsibilities of law enforcement personnel.
"How Can Allegiant Airlines Survive?" - based on personal experience.
"What Ever Happened to UNIVAC?" - a bit of history regarding the first commercial computer.
"Microsoft Dusts Off Speech Recognition" - I was surprised by the popularity of this piece.
"Proof of Technology Addiction" - includes an important message on the use of technology.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
Keep the Faith!
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For Tim's columns, see: timbryce.com
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Copyright © 2016 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved.
Also read Tim's columns in the THE HUFFINGTON POST
LAST TIME: ENJOY EVERY MOMENT - And take nothing for granted.
Listen to Tim on News Talk Florida (WWBA 820 AM), WZIG-FM (104.1) in Palm Harbor,FL; KIT-AM (1280) in Yakima, Washington "The Morning News" with hosts Dave Ettl & Lance Tormey (weekdays. 6:00-9:00am Pacific). Or tune-in to Tim's channel on YouTube.